понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

banjalucka pivara

I finally got down to the doctorapos;s last Thursday, went to see about my skin problem since my back and shoulders are absolutely riddled and starting to become cystic deep under the skin. The doctor prescribed me Tetralysal 300, Duac once daily cream and Retin-A gel, costing me $21 in total for three prescriptions. Since I havenapos;t been working lately, it was a bit of a blow to my pocket since Iapos;m trying to save money for my working trip to Australia (which seems like it was sorted out with the Visa people finally, thankfully) and I wonapos;t take benefits while Iapos;m here (as I couldnapos;t find a job, yet was perfectly healthy). Since I started taking my medication, my skinapos;s beginning to dry out and peel in places, especially on more sensitive areas that I donapos;t like to talk about. Itapos;s beginning to crack and bleed there, which is really making me touchy and sore.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

clocking software

Do you ever do that thing when youapos;re tired, when you find yourself just staring into the distance?

I tend to do it a lot while driving home from work. Knowing that this isnapos;t the safest of things, Iapos;d break my staring by trying to figure out what I was staring at. My eyes are resting on something, even if theyapos;re not registering.

I discovered that I stare at horizontal lines. The bumper of a car, the arm of a traffic light, the edge of a roof. Anything that is horizontal.

Anybody else ever notice this? What do you tend to stare at?
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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We need three or four muses and their muns who are willing to be "hard" interviewed. This is something we are trying, with no holds barred questions and very deep delving into the character, plots and ideas.

If you are willing to do this, in a very honest way, please leave a comment here.

Also, if any community mods out there would like to have a round table discussion interview from the standpoint of mods for next week, let us know.

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consulate general italy new york

Those who know me in real life, especially those who have seen my apartment, know I love Disneyapos;s The Little Mermaid. It is probably my favorite movie of all time. Today I left work early because I felt like crap. And since I donapos;t have cable, I tend to play movies for background noise as well as entertainment. After a couple rounds of Mary Poppins I decided to throw in The Little Mermaid, thinking it would just be background. WRONG. Man, I got sucked right into watching it, and was reminded just how much I love it. No movie has ever had the emotional impact on me that The Little Mermaid had, and still has.

When it first came out I was 9 years old, a really imaginative, not super happy kid. (Home life can be kind of rough when your father is a drug addict.) I hadnapos;t found reading as an escape yet, and when I sat down in that theater almost 19 years ago it was an epiphany almost religious in nature. It was love at first viewing. I sat on the edge of my seat through the whole movie. I knew the original story of the Little Mermaid a la Andersen, and I was petrified that Ariel was going to die at the end... Though even at 9 I kind of doubted it. I fell as hard for the movie as Ariel fell for Eric. Here was another girl who wanted something different in her life. Who wasnapos;t happy with her home situation and didnapos;t really fit in. Every time Ariel sang about people on land not reprimanding their daughters I thought "Man I wish that were true" I felt like I had found someone who would really understand where I was coming from. And on top of it she was a mermaid, a mythical being I was already fascinated by. I saw it seven times in the theater, paying for a number of those showings with my own allowance. When youapos;re nine, buying a movie ticket is a big freaking deal. That Christmas I prayed and prayed to become a mermaid, and actually cried because I knew it wasnapos;t going to happen. I wanted SO BADLY to be someone or somewhere else, and Ariel was who, and where I wanted to be. (Well except I didnapos;t want to leave the ocean, I wanted to get in) Iapos;m pretty sure my mom thought I had lost my poor 9 year old mind.

And Iapos;ve continued to love the movie as Iapos;ve grown up. I still have my original VHS copy of the movie, complete with penis-towered castle on the cover. And watching it again tonight I fell in love all over again. Ariel is a great heroine: sheapos;s courageous without being annoyingly spunky, and while she makes some stupid teenager decisions (signing your soul away to the Sea Witch, not a good choice) she works hard to make the best of her situation, and to undo the damage she did. She is the first Disney princess who takes a pro-active role instead of just waiting around to get rescued. I mean the whole story revolves around the fact that she had the courage to brave rocks, storm, and fire to go save the guy sheapos;s got a crush on. How cool is that?

And Eric is great too... A rightful heir to the kick-assery of Sleeping Beautyapos;s Prince Philip. I mean come on, he climbs back on to a burning, storm tossed ship to rescue his dog Maybe not the wisest decision in the world, but one I support whole heartedly. And I love how their relationship is developed in the short time they have together. The scene where Ariel drives the coach right over the ravine, and Eric looks like heapos;s about to wet himself? AWESOME. And thereapos;s one scene where he looks up at Ariel as she brushes her hair with a fork, and he has the best look on his face; you can tell that even though she canapos;t talk, and even with her weird quirks (or maybe because of them) he thinks sheapos;s about the coolest thing since sliced bread. And sure, in the end, itapos;s Eric who gets to ram the prow of the boat into the giant scary version of Ursula... But the only reason he even gets a chance to do it is because Ariel has already saved his life twice. They are an equal opportunity rescuing kind of couple, and they are awesome.

So yeah, I love The Little Mermaid. I hope someday if I ever have kids that theyapos;ll love it too. Because if they donapos;t Iapos;m writing them out of my will. :-p

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


* Grab the nearest book.
* Open the book to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
* Donapos;t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

"It is not visible if we look at an intact brain, as the sensory and motor cortex are."
James Zull The Art of Changing the Brain 2002

Ah. College.
Mmm. Brains.
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