понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

banjalucka pivara

I finally got down to the doctorapos;s last Thursday, went to see about my skin problem since my back and shoulders are absolutely riddled and starting to become cystic deep under the skin. The doctor prescribed me Tetralysal 300, Duac once daily cream and Retin-A gel, costing me $21 in total for three prescriptions. Since I havenapos;t been working lately, it was a bit of a blow to my pocket since Iapos;m trying to save money for my working trip to Australia (which seems like it was sorted out with the Visa people finally, thankfully) and I wonapos;t take benefits while Iapos;m here (as I couldnapos;t find a job, yet was perfectly healthy). Since I started taking my medication, my skinapos;s beginning to dry out and peel in places, especially on more sensitive areas that I donapos;t like to talk about. Itapos;s beginning to crack and bleed there, which is really making me touchy and sore.

cmjw, banjalucka pivara, banjalucka pivara nektar, banjaluckaberza, banjaluka.

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