пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

consulate general italy new york

Those who know me in real life, especially those who have seen my apartment, know I love Disneyapos;s The Little Mermaid. It is probably my favorite movie of all time. Today I left work early because I felt like crap. And since I donapos;t have cable, I tend to play movies for background noise as well as entertainment. After a couple rounds of Mary Poppins I decided to throw in The Little Mermaid, thinking it would just be background. WRONG. Man, I got sucked right into watching it, and was reminded just how much I love it. No movie has ever had the emotional impact on me that The Little Mermaid had, and still has.

When it first came out I was 9 years old, a really imaginative, not super happy kid. (Home life can be kind of rough when your father is a drug addict.) I hadnapos;t found reading as an escape yet, and when I sat down in that theater almost 19 years ago it was an epiphany almost religious in nature. It was love at first viewing. I sat on the edge of my seat through the whole movie. I knew the original story of the Little Mermaid a la Andersen, and I was petrified that Ariel was going to die at the end... Though even at 9 I kind of doubted it. I fell as hard for the movie as Ariel fell for Eric. Here was another girl who wanted something different in her life. Who wasnapos;t happy with her home situation and didnapos;t really fit in. Every time Ariel sang about people on land not reprimanding their daughters I thought "Man I wish that were true" I felt like I had found someone who would really understand where I was coming from. And on top of it she was a mermaid, a mythical being I was already fascinated by. I saw it seven times in the theater, paying for a number of those showings with my own allowance. When youapos;re nine, buying a movie ticket is a big freaking deal. That Christmas I prayed and prayed to become a mermaid, and actually cried because I knew it wasnapos;t going to happen. I wanted SO BADLY to be someone or somewhere else, and Ariel was who, and where I wanted to be. (Well except I didnapos;t want to leave the ocean, I wanted to get in) Iapos;m pretty sure my mom thought I had lost my poor 9 year old mind.

And Iapos;ve continued to love the movie as Iapos;ve grown up. I still have my original VHS copy of the movie, complete with penis-towered castle on the cover. And watching it again tonight I fell in love all over again. Ariel is a great heroine: sheapos;s courageous without being annoyingly spunky, and while she makes some stupid teenager decisions (signing your soul away to the Sea Witch, not a good choice) she works hard to make the best of her situation, and to undo the damage she did. She is the first Disney princess who takes a pro-active role instead of just waiting around to get rescued. I mean the whole story revolves around the fact that she had the courage to brave rocks, storm, and fire to go save the guy sheapos;s got a crush on. How cool is that?

And Eric is great too... A rightful heir to the kick-assery of Sleeping Beautyapos;s Prince Philip. I mean come on, he climbs back on to a burning, storm tossed ship to rescue his dog Maybe not the wisest decision in the world, but one I support whole heartedly. And I love how their relationship is developed in the short time they have together. The scene where Ariel drives the coach right over the ravine, and Eric looks like heapos;s about to wet himself? AWESOME. And thereapos;s one scene where he looks up at Ariel as she brushes her hair with a fork, and he has the best look on his face; you can tell that even though she canapos;t talk, and even with her weird quirks (or maybe because of them) he thinks sheapos;s about the coolest thing since sliced bread. And sure, in the end, itapos;s Eric who gets to ram the prow of the boat into the giant scary version of Ursula... But the only reason he even gets a chance to do it is because Ariel has already saved his life twice. They are an equal opportunity rescuing kind of couple, and they are awesome.

So yeah, I love The Little Mermaid. I hope someday if I ever have kids that theyapos;ll love it too. Because if they donapos;t Iapos;m writing them out of my will. :-p

bent over doggy style, consulate general italy new york, consulate general italy san francisco, consulate general italy toronto.

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